The Gingerbread Masterclass is distilled into a 4 day course in which you'll master...

  • Baking

    My delicious gingerbread recipe is spiced (not too sweet!), sturdy and delicious. Not to mention a breeze to mix and roll! You'll get an in-depth tutorial that'll leave you confident in whipping it up yourself.

  • Piping

    Are you sweating already? No need to fret. I've got easy templates to follow and techniques that you can take from simple to advanced depending on your comfort level. These designs also translate beautifully onto cakes!

  • Building

    Assemble your gingerbread house like a pro! No sliding roofs, toppling walls or broken doors. I'll give you my best tips to confidently assemble your house and add the finishing touches to make it look like you took all year planning it out.

Ready to take your Gingerbread game to the next level?

I've got you covered with my absolute best recipes, techniques and quick tips so you aren't scrambling this holiday season.

  • 4 days of in-depth video modules plus recipes and templates

  • Direct answers to your questions within each module which I will personally answer for each video (if you prefer not to use Facebook)


If your question is NOT answered, please email [email protected] and we are happy to answer it for you

  • When will the course be released?

    This 4 day course will be released between December 5-8.

  • Is it live or pre-recorded? Can I watch anytime no matter the time-zone?

    This course is pre-recorded and you can watch anytime from the release date (December 5-8) until December 31st/2022 when the course will close.

  • What if I have questions or get stuck?

    Questions can be asked in each video module in the "discussions" section and I will respond to them as soon as possible. You can also join our Finespun Cakes Academy if you'd like some personalized guidance!

  • Can I keep the recipes and templates?

    Yes! You can download all recipes and templates for future use.

Course curriculum

    1. Day 1 Intro

    2. Mixing and Chilling Dough

    1. Day 2 Intro

    2. Rolling Dough

    3. Cutting Dough (hand-cutting using templates and cutters)

    4. Baking Dough (& when to know it's done)

    5. Levelling your Panels (Day 2 or 3)

    1. Day 3 Intro

    2. Transferring the Template

    3. Making Royal Icing

    4. Piping Side Panels

    5. Piping Roof Panels

    6. Piping Back Panel

    7. Piping Front Panel

    1. Day 4 Intro

    2. Building your House!

    3. Piping and Adding the Snowy Finishing Touches

    4. Thank you!

    1. Gingerbread House Recipe

    2. Royal Icing Recipe

    3. Gingerbread House Cutting Template

    4. Gingerbread House Piping Template

    5. Tools & Equipment List

    6. Piping Basics Video

    7. Gingerbread House Recipe (CUPS ADDED)

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Learn something new before the year ends

Think you can only apply these techniques to gingerbread? Think again.

Piping is one of the most sought-after skills in the cake world. It takes patience, time and oh-so-much practice. But the easiest way to fast-track your learning and cut that practice time down is to have someone with experience show you exactly how to do it!